Forthcoming Guest Blog & New Novella!


So, on 16th of February, I will be guest blogging over at Shannon A. Thompson’s blog, talking about writing relatable teenage characters. I’m mega excited. Coinsiding with that will be the release of my new novella, Never Grow Up, about how one summer changes the course of a girl’s life and rockets her into the oblivion of adulthood.

Never Grow Up - High Resolution

It’s a funny, upbeat coming of age story about Jude, a tomboy who never wants to grow up. She just wants to live. It’s a quirky little read, filled with letters and texts and lamenting teen rants with an optimistic little sister, a swiftly changing best friend, a despairing dad, a jet-setting older sister and a band called The Manic Flamingos.

This sweet tale is told in just over 21,000 words and will be available on Kindle very soon for about 99p.

As ALWAYS, I’ll be giving away copies via Twitter, here, or anywhere you can find me. If I don’t thrust it in your face, just ask and I’ll oblige.

Honestly, this was such a pleasure to write. It’s a straight-up story of a girl’s choices at 18, when she doesn’t really want to make any. It’s about how one summer can change your life. Given that Honest is a very dark story with an unreliable narrator, this was just so refreshing. I’m hoping to pepper by full novels with novellas, to ease the transition from story to story.

They’re all stand alones, after all, so it’s important to get it across to readers that each book is about a very complex, very different character. I never write the same girl twice and their stories are wildly different. Indeed, they’re from all different walks of life, and that’s what makes it such a pleasure for me. I feel like I’ve got friends all over the place and I’m the one who gets to tell their story.

I think that’s why writing is just the best fun in the world. I’d recommend it to anyone. There’s no better escape!

Best wishes and snippy snappies,


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