Monthly Archives: January 2015

My First Interview!

My first author interview! Eeep!

It’s terrifying how fast this has all come around. It was only during the summer just gone that I made the massive decision to self publish my books. To me, it was like the fate of my future on my shoulders. I know, melodramatic much? But still, there I was, thinking of all those brave and passionate peeps out there who ‘go it alone’ and wondering if I’d ever pluck up the courage to do it myself.

Well, on January 6th, I made that first step. Honest is out there, and it’s being read and reviewed. More humbling than that is the fact its first review got five stars! This was from somebody who literally just loves reading and reviewing books, and after just a couple interactions on twitter, she read my entire book in just a day or so. Next thing I know, she’s given me a 5 star review and offered me an interview spot on her blog.

To me, that’s just the coolest thing ever. It’s like fancy dress. I  get to put on my fancy-shmancy author clothes and answer questions like a grown-up!

So, thanks to Liisur, I’ve started making baby steps. The support of the book bloggers and the self-publishing community is the thing that really astonishes me. There’s no one-upmanship at all; just lots of people willing to help a brother out. So far, my experience has been really pleasant and I’m so grateful for those people who have contacted me to get a copy of Honest; especially those who started reading right away.

I’ve said it to them, and I’ll say it now: even a 1 star review would be worth everything to me. Even if you hated my work and thought it was a steaming pile of cow dung, I’d still be a happy camper. All I ever wanted was to write books and for people to read them. If you’ve read and considered my work enough to actually review it, then you’re a star.

Of course, I won’t be saying that when the pitchforks come out, but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it, hahaha…eerrrrh…yeah.

Anyway, if you fancy getting to know me a little bit better, and wouldn’t mind hearing about my writing process and what inspired my first book, you can find it HERE on the lovely Liisur’s blog!

In the interview, I talk a little bit about my other books too, starting with All Girls Cry. That’s coming your way soon, folks, though I don’t want to make any promises time-wise. Soon means soon. Suffice it to say, I made the right choice about the order in which to release them, or so I think. All Girls Cry is about as popular as Honest has been on Goodreads, so I’m sure it’s one of the most sought-after from my little collection.

Of course, the fact that Leap and Beyond haven’t had proper covers this whole time hasn’t helped to get them much exposure. Leap does have a gorgeous cover now, but Beyond is taking a little more time to find the right one. That’s no matter, though, because Beyond is also still being proofread by the lovely Dayna at Secret Lives of Fiction Lovers, so in a funny ol’ way, it’s all worked out!

Beyond is really special, though, so it’s worth the wait. It’s my most “romantic” (OooOOO) book and I’ve described it in my interview with Liisur as ‘a bitter-sweet tale of letting go’, so that gives you an idea.

So there we have it. Things be a’brewin’, folks!  I’ll be hopefully doing a couple of guest blogs in the very near future too, so look out for those. Or don’t. I could very well bore you to tears. In which case, as you were!

“Honest” by Ava Bloomfield

Humbled ain’t the word, folks. Shucks. I’m speechless. Really, truly, thank you, Liis, for giving me such an astonishingly good start. Book bloggers are the future. ❤

Cover to Cover

Source: Goodreads

Where to start…First, let me thank Ava for handing over her book, her hard work and her baby of sorts just so I could read and review. Now, let me explain why I was struggling whether to give 4 or 5 stars as the rating. I went with my gut in the end. I wanted to give it 4 stars because it was so mentally disturbing, but for the same reason of being mentally disturbing I had to give it 5 stars. It well and truly worked. The message was delivered, point taken and mark made! My mind was reeling from the overwhelming try to deal with “What if it was real?”… “It could be real”… “Oh my god, how would anyone survive this pain?”
For a highly empathic person this book will offer an emotional roller-coaster ride and not through fields of unicorns and fluffy bunny rabbits…

View original post 364 more words

‘HONEST’ IS LIVE ON AMAZON! Free copies available!


Yes! It’s here! It’s here!

Honest - High Resolution

That book with the weird girl on the cover that I’ve been banging on about since Halloween? Yeah, that one! It’s finally up on Amazon, at the low, low, low, lowly, loathesome…er, low price of £1.99. Or $2.99 if y’all are across the pond.

I just can’t believe it, folks. One down, four to go.

Honest is a weird little book. It’s quirky, it’s different; it even has an unreliable narrator. If you fancy reading something a little bit ‘wooooooaaaah’, or a little bit ‘wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeey!’ Then please, by all means (I beg of you) download a sample and give it a whirl. Alternatively, you could live your life on the edge and actually put down some cold, hard cash.

Yet ANOTHER alternative is you leave me a comment, or contact me on Twitter, or send me a li’l email, and I’ll give you either an EPUB or MOBI copy for free.

That’s right. Oh yeah. F-R-E-E.

All I ask is that you give me a little star rating or even a review if you’re feeling generous; on Goodreads, on Amazon, on your blog – anywhere you fancy. It’s up to you.

Obviously I’ll  be doing this for a limited time, but I’m not fussed about how long it takes. I’m just super-duper excited to get the ball rolling. So even if you read my book and think it’s the biggest, stinkiest pile of pants you’ve ever had the displeasure of looking at, I’d still love that review. Seriously! Any review is a good review.

All I want is for people to read my work. That’s literally it, folks.

Oh yeah. S’called rock bottom.

But seriously, guys, I’m majorly stoked about this. ‘Honest’ is the first of four books I’ll be bringing out this year, and let me tell you, this is just the beginning. Wherever I’m going with this, I’m happy to go there. Up, down, wiggledy-woo, whatever.

So please join me on this magical, mystical journey – or stand on the sidelines where you can point and laugh. I just like having you around!

Hit me up on Goodreads and Twitter, get yourself a free copy, or just get in touch for a chat. I have something to talk about now, you see! It’s a little thing called a BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOK! *happy dance*

I’ll be hopefully doing some guest posts and interview-majiggys and all that fun stuff soon, so please do pop back from time to time to see what I’m up to.






Cover Reveal: LEAP!


Did you have a good Christmas and New Year? We at the Bloomfield household did!

In fact my year has started off rather well. Not only did my invoice for my last month of 2014 look *fantastic* considering I had a whole 2 weeks off, plus time off for Christmassy-related stuff, but I also just ordered a new cover this weekend and it’s ALREADY HERE.

Yes! That’s right! Those ugly MS-Paint place-holder covers are almost totally gone. I wish I’d never bothered with them in the first place but I couldn’t resist. I  was too excited to get the books up on Goodreads.

So once again I found myself shopping at, by far the best value for money I’ve ever come across for covers, and amazing quality too. I ordered my cover on Friday night – paid for two, in fact, because you get a discount and the dude is happy to keep a “credit” on file for you so that you can browse his new range of covers as and when they come in – and found it in my inbox this morning.

Is that amazing service or is that amazing? Hot-dawg.

I don’t know why I’m talking like that. I’m British. Must be all that sparkly customer servicey stuff I’ve been blathering on about. 😉

Without further waffling, here’s the sexy cover for LEAP!

Leap - High Resolution

Leap was such a tough one to find a cover for. I wanted it to have a retro-feel without being too camp, and most of all it needed to feel like a modern novel about the past, as opposed to a novel stuck in the past. Kat is definitely a modern 17 year old, despite its settings in 1997 and 1979, and the cover needed to reflect that.

There’s also the love-story elements and the concept of a girl being caught between two places; both in terms of time-period and in her personal life. She’s at a crossroads physically, emotionally, mentally – the whole shabang. Remember being 17? Yeah, that!

So it took a LOT of thinking outside the box to try and figure out how to pull all those elements together. It took me forever to actually stumble upon this cover, which I think is just perfect. It’s moody, it’s reflective, it’s contemporary, and it’s even complete with retro-looking clothes – almost fancy-dress style, which is perfect – and the model looks really rock ‘n’ roll. I particularly love her hair-do; it gives the impression of belonging to two styles and two eras, right? Get it?!

Another thing I loved about the model is she’s such an individual. Kat definitely prides herself on being a smart cookie who lives her life a little on the edge. She’s an A-grade student from a council flat in Peckham, who befriends a pair of punks from 1979 and sits in the loos with them smoking and drinking tins of Party Four. *Believe* me when I tell you how tough that was to personify visually.

You’re beginning to understand why I chose a stupid picture of a record player for the place-holder cover, right? Riiiight.

So there we have it. I hope you love the cover as much as I do, and here’s hoping it inspires more readers to click the ol’ “to read” button on Goodreads! That is, when I add it, of course. Gosh. I wasn’t born for administrative jobs, I can tell you that for nothing, duckies.

